The MPIA conference series at Ringberg Castle
EPoS 2006 Conference Picture

1=Yancy Shirley 2=Robert Gutermuth 3=Doug Johnstone 4=Xavier Koenig 5=Maiken Gustafsson 6=Martin Hennemann 7=James Di Francesco 8=Ian Bonnell 9=Matthew Bate 10=Kohji Tomisaka 11=Malcolm Walmsley 12=Paul Clark 13=Dieter Nürnberger 14=Enrique Vasquez-Semadeni 15=Dirk Froebrich 16=Erick Young 17=Ralf Klessen 18=Alyssa Goodman 19=Shantanu Basu 20=Aurore Bacmann 21=Lori Allen 22=Henrik Beuther 23=Dick Crutcher 24=Hal Yorke 25=Henrik Linz 26=Helen Kirk 27=Dmitri Wiebe 28=Yaroslav Pavlychenkov 29=Poala Caselli 30=Konstantinos Tassis 31=Telemachos Mouschovias 32=Ed Churchwell 33=Tyler Bourke 34=Turlough Downes 35=Jennifer Hatchell 36=Lawrence Morgan 37=Rolf Chini 38=Eric Keto 39=Robi Banerjee 40=Wolfgang Dapp 41=Vera Hoffmeister 42=Karl Haisch Jr. 43=Hans Zinnecker 44=Sami Dib 45=Markus Kissler-Patig 46=Masahiro Machida 47=Tom Ray 48=Tomoaki Matsumoto 49=Jürgen Steinacker
Not in the picture: Philippe Andre, Joao Alves, Lee Hartmann, Aake Nordlund, Ralf Launhardt, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, Thomas Megeath, Sabine Mengel, Phil Myers, Jaime Pineda, Stefan Umbreit, Eduard Vorobyov
The EPoS way: Large group, small room, remote location. Consider all aspects. Short talks, intense discussions.