EPoS Contribution
EPoS Contribution
Disks Around Ejected Brown Dwarfs

Stefan Umbreit
Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany
One of the predicitons of the ejection scenario is that the disks around ejected brown dwarfs should have very small sizes and thus shorter life times compared to their TTauri counterparts. In our study we start to explore this prediction quantitatively by carrying out the first systematic study of disk collisions in decaying triple systems. These results are then applied to decaying accreting triple systems producing the browns dwarf binary properties that are consistent with current observations. We found that the collisions in those triple systems severely truncate the resulting disks down to radii of the order of 1AU. However, in order to compare these disks to disks around TTauri stars we have to take into account their further viscous evolution to match the age of typical TTauri stars. By assuming a marginally gravitationally stable disk before the last triple encounter we find that the initially very small disks around ejected brown dwarfs expand to sizes comparable to disks around TTauri stars while their life times are compatible to accretor disk fractions derived for brown dwarfs from recent observations for several star-forming regions. These fractions in turn are similar to accretor disk fractions of TTauri stars. On the other hand we also find that the life times of our truncated disks do not greatly exceed 5Myr, which seems to contradict disk detections around brown dwarfs with ages of about 8 to 10Myr. We conclude that close collisions alone are currently not sufficient to arrive at differences in disk size and life-time between disks around brown dwarfs and TTauri stars, with the exception of a very few cases.