TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Namespaces | Functions
windozeHelpers.h File Reference
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
#include "Setupapi.h"
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 namespace with helper functions for windows usb and win32api funcitons


bool windozeHelpers::EnumerateDevice (const uint16_t DeviceNum, HDEVINFO &deviceInfo, SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA &interfaceData, std::string &errMsg)
std::string windozeHelpers::GetLastWinError ()
bool windozeHelpers::Search4UsbDevice (const uint16_t DeviceNum)
void windozeHelpers::FetchUsbDevicePath (const uint16_t DeviceNum, CString &path)
void windozeHelpers::FetchUsbDriverVersion (const uint16_t DeviceNum, std::string &version)
void windozeHelpers::GetVidAndPid (const uint16_t DeviceNum, uint16_t &vid, uint16_t &pid)
std::vector< std::vector< uint16_t > > windozeHelpers::GetDevicesWin ()
bool windozeHelpers::IsDeviceAlreadyOpen (uint16_t deviceNum)