TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
space_optimized.hpp File Reference
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
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class  boost::circular_buffer_space_optimized< T, Alloc >
 Space optimized circular buffer container adaptor. More...




template<class T , class Alloc >
bool boost::operator== (const circular_buffer_space_optimized< T, Alloc > &lhs, const circular_buffer_space_optimized< T, Alloc > &rhs)
 Test two space optimized circular buffers for equality. More...
template<class T , class Alloc >
bool boost::operator< (const circular_buffer_space_optimized< T, Alloc > &lhs, const circular_buffer_space_optimized< T, Alloc > &rhs)
 Lexicographical comparison. More...
template<class T , class Alloc >
bool boost::operator!= (const circular_buffer_space_optimized< T, Alloc > &lhs, const circular_buffer_space_optimized< T, Alloc > &rhs)
 Test two space optimized circular buffers for non-equality. More...
template<class T , class Alloc >
bool boost::operator> (const circular_buffer_space_optimized< T, Alloc > &lhs, const circular_buffer_space_optimized< T, Alloc > &rhs)
 Lexicographical comparison. More...
template<class T , class Alloc >
bool boost::operator<= (const circular_buffer_space_optimized< T, Alloc > &lhs, const circular_buffer_space_optimized< T, Alloc > &rhs)
 Lexicographical comparison. More...
template<class T , class Alloc >
bool boost::operator>= (const circular_buffer_space_optimized< T, Alloc > &lhs, const circular_buffer_space_optimized< T, Alloc > &rhs)
 Lexicographical comparison. More...
template<class T , class Alloc >
void boost::swap (circular_buffer_space_optimized< T, Alloc > &lhs, circular_buffer_space_optimized< T, Alloc > &rhs)
 Swap the contents of two space optimized circular buffers. More...