TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Classes | Namespaces
Exception.h File Reference

This file keeps the UniMod exception of the MPIA UniMod electronic. More...

#include <Nice/Util/Exception.h>
#include <core/Exception.h>
#include <Basda/Mocca/Exception.h>
Include dependency graph for Exception.h:
This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


struct  Basda::UniModException
 Exception: UniMod core exception. More...
struct  Basda::TH8ModException
 Exception: TH8MOD core exception. More...
struct  Basda::UniModFunctionException
 Exception: UniMod default function error exception. More...
struct  Basda::TH8ModFunctionException
 TH8MOD Exception: TH8MOD default function error exception. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModNotInitializedException
 TH8MOD Exception: Parameter is not initialized or wrong module is connected. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModBusyChannelException
 TH8MOD Exception: Channel is still busy with the last command. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModI2CTimeoutException
 TH8MOD Exception: I2C transmission is failed. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModI2CTransmissionException
 TH8MOD Exception: I2C transmission is failed. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModOutOfMemoryException
 TH8MOD Exception: Not enough RAM. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModChannelIsIdleException
 TH8MOD Exception: At the chosen channel does not run any command. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModI2CErrorException
 TH8MOD Exception: This error occurs during the initialization. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModWrongUnitException
 TH8MOD Exception: Wrong Unit. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModWrongSensorException
 TH8MOD Exception: Wrong sensor. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModMeasumentsToCloseException
 TH8MOD Exception: Time distance between two measurements is to short. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModMaxLessThanMinException
 TH8MOD Exception: Max limit is less than min limit. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModOutOfBoundaryException
 TH8MOD Exception: Out of boundary. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModPowerSourceNotInitException
 TH8MOD Exception: Power source with given slave address is still not initialized. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModI2CTimeoutEventException
 TH8MOD Exception: Timeout of the I2C. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModI2CTransmissionEventException
 TH8MOD Exception: Transmission error. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModIncorrectResultEventException
 TH8MOD Exception: Incorrect result. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModModuleNameNotKnownException
 TH8Mod Exception: Actor name is not defined. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModActorNameUnknownException
 TH8Mod Exception: Actor name is known. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModLightSourceNotKnownException
 TH8Mod Exception: Light source is not defined. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModSensorNotKnownException
 TH8Mod Exception: Sensor is not defined. More...
struct  Basda::UniMod::TH8ModSensorNotEnabledException
 TH8Mod Exception: Sensor is disabled. More...


 These are contants that are used by the services internally.
 This is the namespace for the UniMod exception.

Detailed Description

This file keeps the UniMod exception of the MPIA UniMod electronic.

The MPIA inhouse electronic sends an error number which will be converted in a Basda exception via the Basda::MPIACoreProtocol. These error numbers are related to the Basda UniMod devices.

Frank Kittmann