TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Classes | Namespaces | Typedefs
Device.h File Reference

This file defines the Deformable Mirror Interface. More...

#include <Nice/Util/Sync.h>
#include <Nice/Property/Joint.hh>
#include <Nice/Property/Property.hh>
#include <math.h>
#include <Basda/Device.h>
#include <Nice/Config.h>
#include <Basda/Dm/Exception.h>
Include dependency graph for Device.h:
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class  Basda::DmDevice
 This is the Deformable Mirror Service Interface. More...


 These are contants that are used by the services internally.


typedef IceUtil::Handle< DmDevice > Basda::DmDevicePtr

Detailed Description

This file defines the Deformable Mirror Interface.