TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
MapBox.h File Reference
#include <Qt/qglobal.h>
#include <QtDesigner/QDesignerExportWidget>
#include <Nice/Qt/BridgeItem.h>
#include <Nice/Qt/SpinBox.h>
#include <Nice/Qt/PointBox.h>
#include <Nice/Qt/LineEdit.h>
#include <Nice/Qt/Label.h>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
Include dependency graph for MapBox.h:


class  AbstractMapBox< T1, E1, T2, E2 >
 Abstract class for all derived map widgets. More...
class  IntDoubleMapBox
 Map box widget to display/edit int-double map data types. More...
class  IntFloatMapBox
 Map box widget to display/edit int-float map data types. More...
class  IntIntMapBox
 Map box widget to display/edit int-int map data types. More...
class  IntStringMapBox
 Map box widget to display/edit int-string map data types. More...
class  StringDoubleMapBox
 Map box widget to display/edit string-double map data types. More...
class  StringFloatMapBox
 Map box widget to display/edit string-float map data types. More...
class  StringIntMapBox
 Map box widget to display/edit string-int map data types. More...
class  StringPointMapBox
 Map box widget to display/edit string-double map data types. More...
class  StringStringMapBox
 Map box widget to display string-string map data types. More...
class  StringPointLabelMapBox
 Map box widget to display string-point map data types. More...
class  StringPointLabel2MapBox
 Map box widget to display/edit string-double map data types. More...