TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Classes | Namespaces | Functions | Variables File Reference


class  basda2xx.switch
class  basda2xx.Function
class  basda2xx.GenerateCCInterface
 Generate a C++ interface from a basda definition file. More...
class  basda2xx.GenerateCc
class  basda2xx.GenerateCCSkeleton
 generate a base (skeleton) C++ class from a basda definition file. More...
class  basda2xx.GenerateCCSkeletonPython
 Generate a C++ Skeleton file for a python module from a basda file. More...
class  basda2xx.GenerateCCWorker
class  basda2xx.GenerateDataCC
class  basda2xx.GenerateDataH
 generate the C++ header file for the data (variable) section from a basda file. More...
class  basda2xx.GenerateExceptionH
 generate a C++ header file for the exceptions defined in a basda file. More...
class  basda2xx.GenerateInternalExceptionCC
class  basda2xx.GenerateHInterface
 Generate a C++ header file for the interface with a basda server from a basda definition file. More...
class  basda2xx.GenerateH
 Generate a C++ header file out of a basda definition file. More...
class  basda2xx.GenerateHSkeleton
 Generate the skeleton class header file from a basda definition file. More...
class  basda2xx.GenerateHSkeletonPython
 Generate a header file for a python module with the Skeleton base class from a basda file. More...
class  basda2xx.GenerateIce
 Generate the ice definition from a basda file. More...
class  basda2xx.GenerateNiceType
class  basda2xx.GenerateOperatorsCC
 Generate stream operators from a basda definition file. More...
class  basda2xx.GenerateOperatorsH
 Generate a C++ header file that declares the stream operators out of the basda file. More...
class  basda2xx.GeneratePyWrapper
class  basda2xx.GenerateQtWrapper
class  basda2xx.ParseClass
 Generate C++ header files, class files and python C++ module library files from a basda file. More...




def basda2xx.toIceTypeVar (_str)
 map a basda node string to a ice name Switch the name to lower case and remove dots and underscores. More...
def basda2xx.toCppVar (_str)
 map a basda node string to a C++ name. More...
def basda2xx.toPyVar (_str)
 map a C++ function string to python Remove everything up to the first double colon and translate the first letter to uppercase. More...
def basda2xx.usage ()
 usage reminder of the command line interface More...
def basda2xx.main ()
 The command line interface. More...


bool basda2xx.verbose = False