TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
ActionEditorImpl.h File Reference
#include <QtDesigner/QDesignerExportWidget>
#include <Nice/Qt/BridgeItem.h>
#include <ActionEditor.h>
#include <Nice/Util/Thread.h>
#include <QSyntaxHighlighter>
#include <Nice/Log/Logger.h>
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struct  PyLogFunction
class  ActionEditorImpl
class  SyntaxColors
 Store colors for syntax highligter. It provides defaults, loading and storing preferences. More...
class  SyntaxHighlighter
 Simple syntax highlighting for Scripter (QTextEdit). Based on the source of the Sqliteman and Qt4 examples. but very simplifier. Improved too (of course). TODO: colors of the higlited texts. User should set the colors in the preferences. Waiting for the new plugin API. More...
struct  SyntaxHighlighter::HighlightingRule
class  PlayThread
class  ReadStdOut