Model of a magnetised star disk system

Model of a magnetised star-disk system
Interaction between the magnetic field and the accretion disk produces a gap between the disk and the stellar surface. The dipolar structure becomes detached due to the accretion pressure. Matter flows from the inner disk radius to the polar region of the star. Two different model assumptions could be considered: A high resistivity disk (left, "AMP"), where the field does not penetrate the disk, and a low resistivity disk (right, "ARP"), respectively. These assumptions also determine the asymptotic behaviour of the jet solution. (Figure adapted from Fendt, Ch., 1994, PhD thesis, Univ. of Heidelberg)

Historical note
The model of protostellar star-disk coupling and the connection to jet formation has been first mentioned and published by Max Camenzind (1990, Reviews in Modern Astronomy 3, 234-265, see figure below) and later by Koenigl (1991, ApJ 370, L39), Collier Cameron & Campbell (1993, A&A 274, 309) or Shu and collaborators (1994, ApJ 429, 781).

©2006 Christian Fendt - last modified July 2006