Dozent/Lecturer: PD Dr. Coryn Bailer-Jones
09:15-11:00 Freitags, Raum 056 Phil.-Weg 12
Dieses Seminar ist ein Pflichtseminar (PSem) im Bachelorkurs, das im Sommersemester 2019 stattfinden wird. Es wird standardäßig auf Deutsch gehalten, kann aber bei Bedarf auch auf Englisch (auch teilweise) gehalten. Merken Sie allerdings, dass fast alle Literatur, die wir verwenden werden auf Englisch geschrieben ist.
This course is one of the mandatory seminars (PSem) in the Bachelors course, to be held in the 2019 summer semester. By default the course is in German, but some or all can be held in English as necessary.
Keywords: propulsion (and braking) methods (chemical, nuclear, ion, photon, solar sails, laser-powered sails, electromagnetic tethers); space elevator; navigation; orbits and trajectories; communication; interstellar medium and radiation; payloads; exoplanets, astrometry.
Physics covered includes: mechanics, gravitation, astronomy, relativity, nuclear physics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, materials, information theory.
Anmeldung erforderlich / Registration mandatory. Registration will open at 12:00 on Monday 18 March.
There are a few good "hard" science fiction books on the topic of interstellar travel which you may find interesting. Two I can recommend are
Fountains of Paradise, Arthur C. Clarke (about the space elevator)
Tau Zero, Poul Anderson (about near-to-light-speed travel).
A couple of other novels which are not directly relevant, but are still fun are
Rendevous with Rama, Arthur C. Clarke
The Martian, Andy Weir