Gaia is an all sky, high precision astrometric and photometric satellite of the European Space Agency (ESA) due for launch in 2010. Its primary mission is to study the composition, formation and evolution of our Galaxy. Over the course of its five year mission, Gaia will measure parallaxes and proper motions of every object in the sky brighter than visual magnitude 20, amounting to a billion stars, galaxies, quasars and solar system objects. It will achieve an astrometric accuracy of 10uas at V=15 - corresponding to a distance accuracy of 1% at 1kpc - and 200uas at V=20. With Gaia, tens of millions of stars will have their distances measured to a few percent or better. This is an improvement over Hipparcos by several orders of magnitude in the number of objects, accuracy and limiting magnitude. Gaia will also be equipped with a radial velocity spectrograph, thus providing six-dimensional phase space information for sources brighter than V~17. To characterize the objects (which are detected in real time, thus dispensing with the need for an input catalogue), each object is observed in 15 medium and broad photometric bands with an onboard CCD camera. With these capabilities, Gaia will make significant advances in a wide range of astrophysical topics. In addition to producing a detailed kinematical map of stellar populations across our Galaxy, Gaia will also study stellar structure and evolution, discover and characterise thousands of exoplanetary systems (extending down to about ten Earth masses for the nearest systems) and make accurate tests of General Relativity on large scales, to mention just some areas. I give an overview of the mission, its operating principles and its expected scientific contributions. For the latter I provide a quick look in five areas on increasing scale size in the universe: the solar system, exosolar planets, stellar clusters and associations, Galactic structure and extragalactic astronomy.
in Transit of Venus: New Views of the Solar System and Galaxy,
Proceedings IAU Colloquium 196,
D.W. Kurtz & G.E. Bromage (eds.), Cambridge
University Press, in press
version] 14 pages, 624 KB