The 2nd Advanced School on Exoplanetary Science will be held at the International Institute for Advanced Scientific Studies (IIASS) in Vietri sul Mare (Salerno), Italy from 22 to 26 May, 2017. The School - taking place in the enchanting Amalfi Coast - is aimed to provide a comprehensive, state-of-the-art picture of a variety of relevant aspects of the fast-developing, highly interdisciplinary field of Exoplanet research. The Lecture topics of the 2nd year of School will be focused on the atmospheres of exoplanets. The Lectures will be delivered by four senior researchers to an audience of graduate students, Ph.D. students and young post-docs.
The Lecture Notes of the 2nd Advanced School on Exoplanetary Science will be published by Springer in its Astrophysics and Space Science Library series. A copy of the book will be sent to each participant.
Lecture Notes of the 1st Advanced School on Exoplanetary Science
Transmission and emission spectra, high resolution cross-correlation spectra, direct spectra
Chemical compositions, physical processes and dynamics of exoplanetary atmospheres
Fundamentals of the molecular spectroscopy of exoplanets: laboratory astrophysics for aiding in the understanding of exoplanetary atmospheres
Atmospheres of planets in the Solar system and general physical principles governing atmospheric systems
The School is open to graduate students and young post-doctoral researchers, and offers the fascinating possibility to interact with world-class experts engaged in different areas of planetary atmospheres.
The school format will include 7 hours of lectures for each topic, one afternoon training session with exercises to be worked out by the participants, and a selection of short presentations by School participants on their specific research.
Overview of Exoplanet Atmosphere Models
General Introduction and History of Exoplanet Atmosphere Observations
General introduction to spectroscopy and atomic spectra
ARIEL – the next step in exoplanet science
Overcoming pitfalls in ground-based transmission spectroscopy
Fundamentals of atmospheric physics
The continuum from brown dwarfs to terrestrial planets
Past and Current Exoplanet Atmosphere Science Topics
Molecular motions and rotational spectra
Chemical and phase changes in atmospheres
Chemistry and Clouds
Targeting Exoplanet Atmospheres with the Magellan Baade Telescope
Search for water vapor in the high-resolution transmission spectrum of HD 189733b
Transit Spectra Data Reduction Walkthrough
Vibrational spectra
Elements of meteorology
Interpreting Transmission Spectra
Self-Consistent Forward Models
Atmospheres of terrestrial planets: Venus
Electronic spectra
Atmospheres of terrestrial planets: Mars
Exercise session: identifying practical spectra
Direct Imaging
Transmission spectrum models of exoplanet atmospheres with haze
On coupling atmospheric dynamics and disequilibrium chemistry in hot Jupiters
"Retrieval" and Inverse Models
Atmospheres of Gas Giants
Line profiles and radiative transport issues
3D Circulation
High Dispersion Spectroscopy
Sources of spectroscopic data: ExoMol, HITRAN, etc.
Stacking periodograms: tracking the significance of a periodic signal
200 Candidates and Validated Planets from Year Two of K2
Atmospheres of Icy Giants and icy satellites
The Future
JWST Transiting Science
RegistrationThe School is open to underdraduated, graduate students and young Post-doc researchers. The registration fee is € 320 (Euro), and includes a copy of the Proceedings, conference kit, coffee breaks and social dinner. Registration will open on October 10, 2016.PLEASE, REGISTER BY FILLING IN THE ON-LINE FORM ON THE RIGHT-HAND PANEL The Registration
Fee must be settled no later than March
1, 2017, with bank transfer to:
VenueThe school will take place at the International Institute for Advanced Scientific Studies (IIASS)Via G.
Pellegrino, 19
Social eventsWednesday, May 24 - Tour of the Amalfi coast and social dinner (free). Individuals who wish to bring partners or family members to the tour and the conference dinner need to pay 70 € per person.Sunday, May 21 - Visit of Pompeii archeological site. From 9:00am to 5:00pm. Cost: 40 €. The cost includes the transfer from the hotel to Pompeii (and vice versa), the entrance ticket, and a professional guide. If you are interested to participate, please, contact the organisers (, May 27 - Hiking on the Path of the Gods. From 9:00am to 6:00pm. Transfer from the hotel to Agerola (starting point of the trail) - hiking on the path of the Gods from Agerola to Nocelle (roughly 3 hr) - going downstairs to Positano - visit of Positano and swimming - return to Salerno by ferry. Cost: 35 €. The cost includes the transfer from the hotel to Agerola and the price of the ticket of the ferry. If you are interested to participate, please, contact the organisers ( |
AccommodationFor your stay, we recommendHotel La LucertolaVia C.
Colombo, 29
The best way to arrive in Vietri sul
Mare is from the airport
of Naples. On Sunday, May 21, shuttles will be organised
from the airport of Naples to Vietri sul Mare. Please, communicate
your arrival times to the organisers ( If you want to
come and leave at your time, please follow the information on the
right-hand panel.
Another way to arrive in Vietri sul Mare is from the airport
of Rome. Read information below.
A1) Land at
Rome Airport Fiumicino (FCO).
A2) From the Railway Station of the Airport (see
map), catch a train to Rome Railway Station (Leonardo
A3) From Rome Railway Station, catch a train to Salerno Railway
A4) From Salerno Railway Station catch
CSTP bus n. 4 or n. 9 to Vietri (tickets cost € 1,10 at
authorized retailers). Then 15m downhill walk to arrive at the Hotel
La Lucertola. See this
google map.
Rome Airport Fiumicino (FCO)
Naples Airport
Capodichino (NAP)
Bus connections map to/from Naples airport
Alibus Naples-Airport Bus Company
Naples Railway Station
BusItalia Campania
From Naples Airport Capodichino to Vietri sul Mare follow Route B, Route C or Route D.
B1) Land at Naples
Airport Capodichino (NAP)
B2) Catch the
BUONOTOURIST bus from the bus terminal, in front of Arrival
exit (see
map), to Salerno (Bus Terminal, Via Vinciprova). You can buy
tickets on board. Departure times are: 09:15 and 13:30.
B3) From the bus stop in Via Vinciprova, catch
CSTP bus n. 4 or n. 9 to Vietri (tickets cost € 1,10 at
authorized retailers). Then 15m downhill walk to arrive at the Hotel
La Lucertola. See this google
C1) Land at Naples
Airport Capodichino (NAP)
C2) Catch the
SITA bus from the bus terminal, in front of Arrival exit (see
map), to Salerno (Bus Terminal, Via Vinciprova). You can buy
tickets on board. Departure times are: 08:45 and 16:00. Tickets cost
€ 4,30 at authorized retailers - no surcharge for purchases on
board. Then follow B3.
D1) Land at Naples
Airport Capodichino (NAP)
D2) Catch the Alibus bus from the bus terminal, in front of Arrival
exit (see
map), to Naples
Railway Station. You can buy tickets on board. Tickets cost €
4,00 at authorized retailers - no surcharge for purchases on board.
D3) From Naples Railway Station catch a train to Salerno Railway
D4) From Salerno Railway Station catch
CSTP bus n. 4 or n. 9 to Vietri (tickets cost € 1,10 at
authorized retailers). Then 15m downhill walk to arrive at the Hotel
La Lucertola. See this
google map.
Giulio F. Aldi | University of Salerno | Italy |
Eleonora Alei | University of Padua / INAF-OAPD | Italy |
Romain Allart | University of Geneva | Switzerland |
Theodoros Anagnos | Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg | Germany |
Giuliano Antoniciello | University of Turin | Italy |
Ruben Asensio-Torres | Stockholm University | Sweden |
Sasha Banjac | University of Kiel | Germany |
Domenico Barbato | INAF - Astrophysical Observatory of Turin | Italy |
Khalid Barkaoui | LPHEA, Cadi Ayyad Univesity | Morocco |
Oscar I. Barragán Villanueva | University of Turin | Italy |
Claire Baxter | Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy | Netherlands |
Jasmina Blecic | New York University of Abu Dhabi | UAE |
Sally Blumenthal | University of Exeter | UK |
Aldo S. Bonomo | INAF - Astrophysical Observatory of Turin | Italy |
Lorenzo Cabona | University of Insubria, Como | Italy |
Per Calissendorff | Stockholm University | Sweden |
Ilaria Carleo | University of Padua / INAF-OAPD | Italy |
Núria Casasayas Barris | Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias | Spain |
Aarynn Carter | University of Exeter | UK |
Valentin Christiaens | Universidad de Chile / Université de Liège | Chile |
Caddy Cortés | Universidad de Concepción | Chile |
Marco Domingues | UFRJ | Brazil |
Simon Eriksson | Stockholm University | Sweden |
Lauren Flor | Universidad de Guanajuato | Mexico |
Antonio Garrido Rubio | INAF - OAPA | Italy |
Andrea Guzman Mesa | Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree, Innsbruck | Austria |
Tyler Heintz | Westminster College of Pennsylvania | USA |
Desmond Helmut Grossmann | University of Graz | Austria |
Konstantin Herbst | Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel | Germany |
Matthew Hooton | Queen's University Belfast | UK |
Antonella L. Iannella | University of Salerno | Italy |
Hiroyuki Ishikawa | SOKENDAI/NAOJ | Japan |
Tina Hilbig | University of Bremen | Germany |
Ava Hoagg | Westminster College of Pennsylvania | USA |
Jeff Jennings | Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich | Germany |
Yui Kawashima | University of Tokyo | Japan |
Kiyoe Kawauchi | Tokyo Institute of Technology | Japan |
Erika Kohler | NASA Goddard SFC | USA |
Manuel Lampón González-Albo | Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC) | Spain |
Baptiste Lavie | Geneva Observatory | Switzerland |
Cecilia Lazzoni | INAF - OAPD | Italy |
Jubin Lirawi | University of Kiel | Germany |
John Livingston | University of Tokyo | Japan |
Jessica Luna | University of Texas at Austin | USA |
Felix Mackebrandt | Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research | Germany |
Paolo Gennaro Madonia | Sapienza - University of Rome | Italy |
Marjan Mahaki | Kharazmi University | Iran |
Erin May | University of Michigan | USA |
Stephanie Merritt | Queen's University Belfast | UK |
Erick Meza | LESIA - Observatoire de Paris | France |
Romina G. Miculan | IALP - CONICET | Argentina |
Karan Molaverdikhani | Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg | Germany |
Jake Morgan | University of Manchester | UK |
Annelies Mortier | University of St Andrews | UK |
Arianna Musso Barcucci | Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg | Germany |
Maryam Nemati | Astronomical Society of Iran | Iran |
Göran Pilbratt | European Space Agency | Netherlands |
Anna Julia Poser | Universität Rostock | Germany |
Liam Raynard | University of Leicester | UK |
Francisco Rendon | Universidad de Guanajuato | Mexico |
Jessica Roberts | University of Colorado - Boulder | USA |
Lalitha Sairam | Indian Institute of Astrophysics | India |
Gaetano Scandariato | INAF OACt | Italy |
Vanessa Schmidt | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany |
Elyar Sedaghati | DLR, Berlin | Germany |
Luisa Maria Serrano | Centre for Astrophysics of the University of Porto | Portugal |
Daniela Sicilia | University of Padua | Italy |
Vikash Singh | INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania | Italy |
Jessica Spake | University of Exeter | UK |
Steffen Städt | DLR | Germany |
Brian Thorsbro | Lund University | Sweden |
Miles Timpe | University of Zurich | Switzerland |
Bethany Tirrell | Kutztown University of Pennsylvania | USA |
Shang-Min Tsai | University of Bern | Switzerland |
Taichi Uyama | University of Tokyo | Japan |
Gwenael Van Looveren | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | Belgium |
Daniele Vassallo | INAF-OAPD/UNIPD | Italy |
Allona Vazan | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
Tiffany Visgaits | Kutztown University of Pennsylvania | USA |
Nicole Wallack | Caltech | USA |
Robert Wells | Queen's University Belfast | UK |
Mo Yang | Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris | France |
Andrea Zannoni | Università degli Studi di Milano | Italy |
Jinjin Zhao | GEOPS, University Paris-Sud | France |
Alice Zurlo | Universidad de Chile | Chile |
The 2nd Advanced School on Exoplanetary Science is sponsored by
The event is organised by
Lecturers of the previous editions of the Advanced School on Exoplanetary Science