IMPRS-HD Online Registration

Welcome to our online registration webpage for applications!

Registration at our webpage is

Step 1 ::

of the application procedures.

This is the application webpage for the IMPRS for Astronomy and Cosmic Physics in Heidelberg. If you are interested to apply also to the other IMPRS schools on astronomy in Germany, you have to apply separately to them, following the instructions on their webpage.

We require all applicants to register electronically at our IMPRS-HD webpage before uploading their application material to the Max Planck online application server. The weblink is

For applicants who also apply at the HGSFP graduate school of Heidelberg University:

IMPRS-HD is an independent part of the HGSFP. This IMPRS-HD application form is equivalent to the application form of HGSFP.
However, the IMPRS form asks you for some additional specific astronomy/astrophysics-related input, which we think is important for the evaluation of your application. Thus, please, specify your interest in astronomcal / astrophysical research below. All astronomy/astrophysics applications at IMPRS-HD and HGSFP will be evaluated by the same IMPRS-HD evaluation committee.

Registration form

Please carefully fill in the following online form, considering the following instructions:

1) NEVER use quote (') or double quotes characters (") in any part of the text which would conflict with the SQL script.

2) Do only use the standard character set (i.e. never ö, ä, ò, ø, æ, å etc). Be careful with other special characters, they might not be accepted.

3) Do not copy-paste from MS-Word or other tools, certain fonts will not be recognized and will lead to errors in submission.

4) Fields marked with * are mandatory to complete.

5) Respect the space limit for the text boxes. Try to be as brief as possible.

6) Note that the text format on the webform and on the pdf may look different.

7) Finally, please confirm your input and proceed to the preview page.

8) Check your input on the preview page and submit.

9) Receive the pdf application form and continue to Step 2:: of the application procedure.

1. Personal Data / Contact Address

If you have only one name, please give this name as first name and last name as well.

Last name (family name, surname) : *
First name (given name) : *
Middle name(s) :
Street : *
Postal code, City : *
Country : *
Email : * (will not appear in your pdf form)
Date of birth : *
Citizenship :
Gender :*
(For statistical use only)
I prefer not to answer

2. Education and your path towards this PhD application *

Please give a brief record of your education starting with your high school - state college, university, etc with dates, and field of study.

Also describe your employment history, if applicable - e.g. if you had worked on jobs outside academia after your studies.

Do not exceed the entry box size of 10 lines of 55 characters.
Do not use quote (') or double quotes characters (") in any part of the text.

Beyond a listing of courses/milestones, please describe to us the support (family, acquaintance, institutional) as well as sources of difficulties (personal, structural/social, ...) you have encountered, and how you dealt with it, on your path towards this PhD application.

Do not exceed the entry box size of 30 lines of 55 characters.
Do not use quote (') or double quotes characters (") in any part of the text.


3. University Degrees *

Specify your field of study and the kind of university degrees that are relevant for this application.

Do not exceed the size of the entry boxes of 30-50 characters.

Do not use quote (') or double quotes characters (") in any part of the text.

Studies for first degree (e.g. Bachelor)

Type of first degree : * BSc B.A. MPhys
In subject area of study (field/topic)
Name of University :
City and country :
Period of study (from-to) :
Date of degree :
Grade/mark of degree :
Title of thesis
(if applicable) :
Name of thesis supervisor
(if applicable) :
Studies for second degree (e.g. Master, Laurea)
Type of second degree : * MSc M.A.
In subject area of study (field/topic)
University / college :
City and country :
Period of study (from-to) :
Date of degree
(if known) :
Grade/mark of degree
(if known) :
Title of thesis
(if applicable) :
Name of thesis supervisor
(if applicable) :
Please add scanned copies of all degrees, together with copies of translations into English or German when uploading your application material.
No certified translations are needed at this stage of application.


4. Course work *

Briefly list the core courses in physics you have taken with credits and grades/marks obtained. If textbooks were used in the courses, please indicate them.
Heidelberg university expects a deep and broad study of physics for PhD students in astrophysics and astronomy.

Also add relevant astronomy/astrophysics courses.

Please add information about the grading system (a link, or add a paper in the application material).

Apart from this summary information in the web form, please add your transcripts to the application material that you will upload.

Do not exceed the entry box size of 15 lines of 85 characters.
Do not use quote (') or double quotes characters (") in any part of the text.

Note that this form will not recognize tables definitions or other text layout prescriptions. Do not care about the layout of this sections too much.


5. Research Experience *

Please describe your research experience. Indicate the aims or your past research, the practical content (internship, thesis, etc ...) and your personal contribution to research results. State the period of time you were involved. List publications if any.

Please mention your experience with common "research tools", such as coding / numerical tools / data analysis / data reduction / instruments / etc. (if applicable).

This section may be most important for a potential supervisor for their selection of candidates.

Do not exceed 45 lines of 85 characters.

Do not use quote (') or double quotes characters (") in any part of the text.


6. Scientific interests and motivation for IMPRS *

Tell us briefly what motivated you to apply for this PhD program in astronomy/astrophysics, and what you hope to get out of it.

Summarize what scientific topics or research approaches (theory, data modelling, instrumentation, ...) you find most interesting. Indicate what areas of research you would most like to work in.

If there are any particular reasons for applying to the IMPRS programme in Heidelberg, please tell them briefly.

This part may include your possibly early interest in the field, but should move beyond.

Do not exceed the entry box size of 25 lines of 85 characters.
Do not use quote (') or double quotes characters (") in any part of the text.


7. Areas of Interest for your Graduate Research *

Please provide a priority list of up to three possible research fields for your PhD.

You may either give a more general statement, for example "numerical simulations", or "spectroscopy", or "observational project", or "instrumentation". That might put you on the shortlist of a number potential supervisors.

Or you can be quite specific, for example "rotation of low mass stars", or "emission lines of AGN". That might put you on the shortlist of only few potential supervisors, but may show that you have specific experience.

It might be wise if you could somehow offer multiple options, if you are open to many topics.
Being completely open may indicate a lack of interest, or a lack of preparation. By being too specific, you may fail the attention of interesting projects. All projects we offer are interesting!

Do not exceed 2 lines of 70 characters each topic.

Do not use quote (') or double quotes characters (") in any part of the text.

Interest 1:
Interest 2:
Interest 3:


8. References *

Please list below the names, affiliation and e-mail address of two referees. A third referee is optional.

Do not apply academic titles.

Tell your referees to write the letter of recommendation for you.

Tell your referees to upload the letter to the Max Planck online application server thereby using your registration code.

We will not contact your referees

Do not use quote (') or double quotes characters (") in any part of the text.

Referee 1: *
  Name :
  Email :
  Institute :
Referee 2: *
  Name :
  Email :
  Institute :
Referee 3:
  Name :
  Email :
  Institute :


9. Scholarships and honours

In the case you have hold any personal scholarships, honours, or awards that might be relevant for this application, please list them including dates and a brief desription.
Do not exceed 10 lines of 80 characters.
Do not use quote (') or double quotes characters (") in any part of the text.


10. Test of English as a Foreign Language

Applicants are expected to have good oral and written English language skills.

We do not require any formal language test, as we will check English communication skills during the interview.


11. Starting Date

The formal starting date of the research school will be September 2025.

A later start is possible in exceptional cases. Are there any reasons which may prevent you from starting at that date?

Yes No
If yes, please give details

An earlier arrival is possible, depending on the funding situation of the project.

Are you interested? Yes No        If yes, when


12. Other information

Here you can add any other information you like to supply and which does not fit elsewhere in the form above.

Do not exceed the entry box size of 15 lines of 80 characters.
Do not use quote (') or double quotes characters (") in any part of the text. see the preview of your application data