This webpage provides information for the 6th Heidelberg Summer School 2011 with the topic on | |
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IMPRS for Astronomy and
Cosmic Physics at the University of Heidelberg: Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Landessternwarte Koenigstuhl, and Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies. |
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Willy Benz, University of Bern Peter Hauschildt, University of Hamburg Anders Johansen, Lund Observatory Lisa Kaltenegger, MPI for Astronomy, Heidelberg Stephane Udry, Observatory of Geneva |
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When & where:
The 6th Heidelberg Summer School will take place August 1-5, 2011
at the "Max Planck Haus" (Max Planck House) in Heidelberg, Germany: |
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Scope of the School:
The goals of the IMPRS Summer Schools are to: - bring together research students of various fields for discussion and exchange of ideas; - encourage young researchers and advanced students to continue research in these fields; and - strengthen future interdisciplinary research in these areas; The focus of this school was to link current observations and theory from formation and detection of planets to explore their atmosphere and characterizing habitable environments. It will highlight the newest results in extra solar planet search in a cross-disciplinary environment, discuss different formation scenarios and observables, recently discovered Super-Earths to potential habitability of rocky planets in a very interactve environment. |
School program |