EPoS Contribution
EPoS Contribution
From Clump to Disk Scales in W3IRS4 - the Impact of Neighbourhood on Massive Star Formation

Joseph Mottram
MPIA, Heidelberg, DE
High-mass star formation regions are often complex. The balance between feed-back and collapse of material, on a range of scales, sets the fate of the multiple fragments typically seen in such regions. Furthermore, the degree to which environment matters is one of the primary differences between the two most successful modern theories of star formation: competitive accretion and isolated turbulent cores. Within this context I will present results from a case-study of the high-mass star formation region W3IRS4, observed with NOEMA as part of the large program CORE. The region hosts objects in a range of evolutionary stages, from cold starless cores to an UCHII region, with the gas dynamics revealing that the fate of the various sources are linked to the properties and motions observed in the larger-scale reservoir.
H. Beuther, MPIA, Germany
A. Ahmadi, MPIA, Germany
F. Bosco, MPIA, Germany
and the CORE team.
Suggested Session: High-mass star/star cluster formation