EPoS Contribution
EPoS Contribution
Are There Really Archetypes for Molecular Clouds, Filaments and Cores?

Javier Ballesteros-Paredes
IRyA-UNAM, Morelia, MX
Do cores have BE shapes? Are they really in hydrostatic equilibrium? Or at least in virial equilibrium? Does molecular cloud turbulence really provide support to clouds? Are supervirial cores really pressure confined, or otherwise, do they really re-expand? Are filaments they really made of fibers? Do the initial mass function (IMF) is really (completely) determined by the core mass function (CMF)? In the present talk I will review some or the currently archetypical concepts in astrophysics which are challenged by the scenario of hierarchical and chaotic gravitational global collapse of molecular clouds.
Caption: Evolution of collapsing cores in the Larson's ratio vs column density diagram. Dotted lines: Ek=Eg (upper) and 2 Ek = Eg (lower). Dashed lines: cores with overvirial values, as obtained from the simulations. Solid lines: same cores, but taking into account the actual gravitational energy Eg = -1/2 ∫ρφdV, rather than that of a uniform sphere.
Key publication

Suggested Session: Molecular clouds