EPoS Contribution
EPoS Contribution
Unraveling complex kinematics of a giant stellar nursery

Vlas Sokolov
MPE, Munich, DE
Recent studies of very early high mass star formation highlight the importance of spatially and spectroscopically resolving the velocity structure of dense filamentary clouds to unveil their physical and dynamical properties. The northern part of IRDC G035.39, a massive infrared dark cloud hosting extensive regions deprived of star formation, has been shown to have widespread SiO excitation and multiple filaments with distinct velocities. We present a multi-component kinematic analysis of the whole IRDC based on multiple molecular (NH3, N2H+, CO) emission maps. We derive physical properties, such as temperature and density, for the components of the cloud and discuss their physical nature. We relate the cloud's kinematics, as well as its SiO emission structure, to G35.39 formation scenarios and its on-going high-mass star formation.
P. Caselli, MPE, DE
K. Wang, ESO, DE
J. Pineda, MPE, DE
I. Jimenez-Serra, UCL, GB
A. Pon, U Western Ontario, CA
J. Henshaw, LJMU, GB
H.R. Chen, NTHU, TW
J. Tan, U Florida, US
Suggested Session: Massive Star Formation