EPoS Contribution
EPoS Contribution
Water in the Earliest Phases of High Mass Star Formation

Russell Shipman
SRON, Groningen, NL
IRDC cores are placed in evolutionary order based on a combination of water and methanol observations. In all stages, the abundance of water in absorption is determined and consistent with expectations of water in cold dense clouds. In the later stages, the outflows in are readily seen in water. Methanol emission becomes prominent in the later stages as well.
Caption: 557 GHz normalized absorption toward the youngest IRDC core. The data are in blue, the models are in green, with the total model in red, the black line marks the systemic velocity of the core. Note the significant red shift to the absorption (in-fall) with no sign of broad emission (outflow).
F.S.S. van der Tak, SRON, Netherlands
F. Wyrowski, MPIfR, Germany
F. Herpin, UBordeaux, France
Suggested Session: Cores