; pro plot ; Input files: cloud='HOT_CORE.' model='full.' phys='2d_7cm_3.100K.' ;phys='low_metals_' point='' ; '2.' renorm_dens=2.0e+4 if (cloud eq 'DISK.') and (point eq '1') then begin renorm_dens=541321927.37706625 endif if (cloud eq 'DISK.') and (point eq '2') then begin renorm_dens=25883567.574824639 endif if (cloud eq 'DISK.') and (point eq '3') then begin renorm_dens=3668669.2449275707 endif if (cloud eq 'TMC1.') then begin renorm_dens=2.0e+4 endif if (cloud eq 'HOT_CORE.') then begin renorm_dens=2.0e+7 endif char1='../Bordeaux/'+cloud+model+phys+point+'dat' char2='../osu_2008_03/'+cloud+'osu0803.'+model+phys+'1.3d_17s_1.1G0.low_metals_1.idl' ;char2='../osu_2008_03/Disk/'+cloud+'osu0803.'+model+phys+point+'.idl' suff='_'+cloud+model+phys+point+'.ps' aa=' ' ; Open first file (Bordeaux): ns=655 ntime=38 spec1=strarr(ns) table=fltarr(ns+1,ntime) openr,1,char1 readf,1,format='(11x,655(a10))',spec1 readf,1,table close,1 ; Open second file (MPIA): openr,2,char2 for i=0,33 do readf,2,aa readf,2,format='(i16)',ns2 spec2=strarr(ns2) readf,2,format='(9(A8,2X))',spec2 readf,2,format='(i16)',nt time=fltarr(nt) readf,2,time readf,2,format='(i16)',nr akr=fltarr(nr) readf,2,format='(10(d12.5))',akr ab2=fltarr(nt,ns2) readf,2,format='(10(d12.5))',ab2 ab2=ab2/renorm_dens close,2 spec1=strcompress(spec1, /remove_all) ; Unify species names: iE = where(spec1 eq 'E') + 1 spec1(iE-1) = 'ELECTR' iE = where(spec1 eq 'GRAIN0') + 1 spec1(iE-1) = 'G0' iE = where(spec1 eq 'GRAIN-') + 1 spec1(iE-1) = 'G-' spec2=strcompress(spec2, /remove_all) ; Plot species: !P.FONT = 0 for i=0, ns2-1 do begin species=spec2(i) set_plot,'ps' device,filename=species+suff, /landscape, scale_factor=1 ispec1=where(spec1 eq species)+1 ispec2=where(spec2 eq species) print, spec1(ispec1-1) cmin = min(table(ispec1,*)) < min(ab2(*,ispec2)) cmax = max(table(ispec1,*)) > max(ab2(*,ispec2)) ;cmin = alog10( cmin ) -1.0e0 ;cmax = alog10( cmax ) +1.0e0 cmin = cmin/3.0e0 cmax = cmax*3.0e0 plot,table(0,*),table(ispec1,*),xtitle='log(time)',$ ytitle='log(abundance)', thick=8, xthick=8, ythick=8, charthick=5,charsize=3, $ ;xrange=[3,7],ystyle=1,xstyle=12, yrange=[cmin,cmax], xticklen=0.05, yticklen=0.05, line=0, $ xrange=[1.0e0,1.0e9], yrange=[cmin,cmax],ystyle=1,xstyle=1, xticklen=0.05, yticklen=0.05, line=0, $ /xlog, /ylog oplot,time,ab2(*,ispec2),line=3, thick=8 oplot,time,ab2(*,ispec2),thick=8, psym=1, symsize=3.0 XYOUTS, 0.3, 0.8, /norm, species, charsize=3 device,/close set_plot,'x' endfor end