Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15-20, 2013
Poster 2B058
Mid-infrared Monitoring Observations of Circumstellar Disks with TAO/MIMIZUKU
Sako, Shigeyuki (the University of Tokyo)
Miyata, Takashi (the University of Tokyo)
Kamizuka, Takafumi (the University of Tokyo)
Nakamura, Tomohiko (the University of Tokyo)
Asano, Kentaro (the University of Tokyo)
Uchiyama, Mizuho (the University of Tokyo)
Okada, Kazushi (the University of Tokyo)
Onaka, Takashi (the University of Tokyo)
Sakon, Itsuki (the University of Tokyo)
Kataza, Hirokazu (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
Yoshii, Yuzuru (the University of Tokyo)
Mid-infrared variabilities of dust continuum and features in time scale of days to years have been found in circumstellar disks around YSOs and debris disks by multi-epoch studies with recent space missions such as AKARI, WISE, Spitzer, and Herschel (e.g., Dahm+09, Espaillat+11, Flaherty+12, Melis+12). However, physical mechanisms leading to the rapid MIR variabilities are still unclear because of sparse data sampling. More frequent and long-term observations with ground-based MIR instruments are required. Meanwhile, fast fluctuation of atmospheric water vapor affects photometric accuracy in the MIR observations from the ground. In order to monitor the variabilities of a few percent level as detected by the space telescopes, improvements of observation methods are needed. We have been developing a new MIR instrument MIMIZUKU (Kamizuka+12, Miyata+10) mounted on 6.5-m TAO telescope (Yoshii+10), which will be constructed at a 5,640-m altitude site in Atacama, Chile, and 8.2-m Subaru telescope in Hawaii. The MIMIZUKU has unique equipment called Field Stacker which enables simultaneous observations of target and reference objects owing to focusing two separated field-of-views on a same detector. The simultaneity improves the photometric accuracy and realizes stable long-term monitoring. We will carry out MIR monitoring observations of dust emission from the circumstellar disks and the debris disks with the imaging and low-resolution spectroscopic modes of the MIMIZUKU. The time-variable emissions from the YSOs could allow us to reveal formation and destruction mechanism of dust grains in the inner disk region. In observations of debris disks, fresh dust formed by large collisions in a planetary disk is expected to be detected.
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