Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15-20, 2013
Poster 1S040
NIR and MM observations of the globulettes in the Rosette Nebula
Mäkelä, Minja (University of Helsinki)
Haikala, Lauri (Finnish Centre for Astronomy with ESO [FINCA], University of Turku)
Gahm, Gösta (Stockholm University)
Persson, Carina (Onsala Space Observatory, Chalmers University of Technology)
Globulettes are tiny, optically dark molecular clouds, most likely detached from eroding elephant trunks. They form a class of objects whose shape resembles that of starless globules but their size is considerably smaller with masses ranging from 1 to about 500M_Jup. We have observed the globulette and shell system in the northwestern region of the Rosette Nebula in near-infrared and mm. We present NIR JHKs, Paschen beta and H2 2.12 micron observations obtained with the NTT/SOFI and CO observations done with the APEX and Onsala 20m radio telescopes. Combined with Spitzer archival data, we can study the physical properties such as mass, velocity and the visual extinction of the globulettes. We can also identify possible star formation. The Ks and H2 observations suggest fluorescent H2 emission is seen in the region.
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