Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15-20, 2013

Poster 1K034

Monitoring Long-term Variability of Optical Spectra and Extended Jets for Active T Tauri Stars

Chou, Mei-Yin (ASIAA)
Takami, Michihiro (ASIAA)
Manset, Nadine (CFHT)
Beck, Tracy (STScI)
McGregor, Peter (ANU)
White, Marc (ANU)
Karr, Jennifer L. (ASIAA)
Liu, Hauyu Baobab (ASIAA)
Chen, Wen-Ping (NCU)
Panwar, Neelam (NCU)
Pyo, Tae-Soo (Subaru Telescope)
Galvan-Madrid, Roberto (ESO)
Shang, Hsien (ASIAA)

We present optical spectroscopic/spectrophotometric monitoring of four active T Tauri stars (DG Tau, RY Tau, XZ Tau, RW Aur A) at high spectral resolution (R > 10^4) and wide spectral coverage (∼3700¡V10500Å) using CFHT-ESPaDOnS. The goal of the study is to investigate the correlation between time variable mass ejection seen in the jet/wind structure of the driving source and time variable mass accretion probed by optical emission lines. Through the observations for 10-20 years, this may allow us to constrain the understanding of the jet/wind launching mechanism, the location of the launching region, and the physical link with magnetospheric mass accretion. Our initial results in 2010-2012 have confirmed the presence of long-term time variability separates from the daily and monthly variability. This is so far consistent with the idea that these line profiles have a long-term variability (3-20 year) related to episodic mass ejection suggested by the structures in the extended flow components. We also investigate the correlations between equivalent widths and between luminosities for different lines. We find that these correlations are consistent with the present paradigm of steady magnetospheric mass accretion and emission line regions that are close to the star. Monitoring observations of extended flow components are also in progress using Gemini-NIFS.

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