2017-03 | 2016-12 | 2016-10 | 2016-05 | 2016-03 | 2015-122015-05

A selection of images obtained at LBT during ARGOS commissioning on
201703 with LUCI 1 & 2 (4'x4', PSFFWHM ~ 0.25")

G192_20170311_L12_H (PI: H. Linz)
G192 K-band LS (20170312) & imaging in BrH2Ks (20151218) (PI: H. Linz)
LRLL54361 MOS 20170314 img 20161026 H2BrgKs
LRLL54361 MOS 20170314 img 20161026 H2BrgKs

NGC2903 20170314 L2 JHKs LC HC mosaic
NGC5466 20170308 L1 JHKs
NGC5466 20170308 L2 JHKs
QSOH1821 20170312 L12 Ks
smile 20170311 L1 JHKs

2017-03 | 2016-12 | 2016-10 | 2016-05 | 2016-03 | 2015-122015-05

A selection of images obtained at LBT during first BINOCULAR
2016-12 ARGOS commissioning with LUCI 1 & 2 (4'x4', PSFFWHM ~ 0.25")

 2016-12-15: LUCI1 JHKs image of the nuclear (900pc x 900pc) region of M31.
 2016-12-09: LUCI2 JHKs image of NGC2419 - a massive and distat globular cluster in the Milky Way.
 2016-12-10: (Binocular) 2016-12-10: LUCI1 (left) and LUCI2 (right) JHKs image of NGC2419.
 2016-12-15: LUCI1 JHKs image of Palomar 2.

2017-03 | 2016-12 | 2016-10 | 2016-05 | 2016-03 | 2015-122015-05

A selection of images obtained at LBT during
2016-10 ARGOS commissioning with LUCI1 (4'x4', PSFFWHM ~ 0.25")

 2016-10-19: JHKs image of G1 - the most massive globular cluster in M31 (Andromeda galaxy).
 2016-10-24: JHK colour image of IC342 - a nearby (~3Mpc) galaxy with active nucleus.
 Zoom into the nuclear region of IC342.
 MOS spectra of IC342 (0.25" slit width, K-band, CW=2.231μm, dW=0.08μm, R ~ 10 000 Å).
 2016-10-23: Brg, H2 and Ks image of a young star forming region (LRLL54361) in our Galaxy (PI: Zoltan Balog).
 Same as previous, but with different intensity.
 2016-10-26: Different date, else, same as previous.

 LS (0.25" width, K-band, R~10 000) spectrum across the LRLL54361 jet and nearby H2 jet (top on previous image).
 2016-10-20: JHKs colour image of Maffei2 - a nearby (~3Mpc) galaxy with active nucleus.
 0.25" through slit Long Slit image across Maffei2 nucleus and a nearby star.
 Maffei2 mosaic
 Zoom into the Maffei2 nucleus in the three different filters.
 2016-10-19: JHKs image of NGC2419 - massive Milky Way globular cluster.
 2016-10-23: Same as previous, but for different date.

 2016-10-26: Same as previous, but for different date.
 Same as previous, but combined from all dates (2016-10-19, 23, 24 and 26).
 A mosaic teaser from various images.
 2016-10-19: JK image of wise0342 high redshift galaxy (PI: Whittle).
 Same as previous, but zoomed in around wise0342 .

2017-03 | 2016-12 | 2016-10 | 2016-05 | 2016-03 | 2015-122015-05

A selection of images obtained at LBT during
2016-05 ARGOS commissioning with LUCI1 (4'x4', PSFFWHM ~ 0.35")

 2016-05-23: JHKs colour image of M101 spiral galaxy
 2016-05-23: JHKs colour image of M51.
 2016-05-20: JHKs colour image of NGC6946.
 Same as previous, but with different intensity.

2017-03 | 2016-12 | 2016-10 | 2016-05 | 2016-03 | 2015-122015-05

A selection of images obtained at LBT during
2016-03 ARGOS commissioning with LUCI1 (4'x4', PSFFWHM ~ 0.25")

 2016-03-16: JHKs image of NGC4449 - a nearby (~4Mpc) dwarf irregular galaxy
 Same as previous, but with different intensity to pop out the massive nuclear star cluster.
 2016-03-17: JH image of NGC5466 - A Milky Way globular cluster.
 2016-03-17: JHKs image of NGC2419 - one of the most distant (~90kpc) and largest (reff~19pc) globular star cluster (with a million stars) in our Galaxy.
 JHKs image of NGC3786
 JHKs image of NGC5921.
 Same as previous, but with different intensity to highlight the nucleus.

2017-03 | 2016-12 | 2016-10 | 2016-05 | 2016-03 | 2015-122015-05

A selection of images obtained at LBT during
2015-12 ARGOS commissioning with LUCI1 (4'x4', PSFFWHM ~ 0.25")

 2015-12-18: Br H2 and Ks LUCI1 image of a young star forming region in the Milky Way (PI: Hendrik Linz)
 JHKs image of Maffei1 - a nearby (~3Mpc) massive elliptical galaxy.
 Same as previous, but with different intensity to highlight the nucleus.
 2015-12-17: JHKs image of NGC2419 - one of the most distant (~90kpc) and largest (reff~19pc) globular star cluster (with a million stars) in our Galaxy.
 2015-12-19: same as previous, but for different date.

 Same as previous, but downgraded to a seeing~0.7".
 JH colour image of NGC718

2017-03 | 2016-12 | 2016-10 | 2016-05 | 2016-03 | 2015-122015-05

A selection of images obtained at LBT during the FIRST
2015-05 ARGOS commissioning with LUCI2 (4'x4', PSFFWHM ~ 0.25")

 2015-05-02: First JHKs image (cropped) with ARGOS of NGC6384.

ARGOS @ LBT YouTube channel: