MOOGStokes README Release 1.00 --------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for downloading the MOOGStokes extention to the MOOG spectral synthesis program. This tarball is a fully-functional version of MOOG derived from the February 2013 version (MOOG2013.tar.gz) available on Chris Sneden's website ( Version 1.0 of the MoogStokes package is described in a methods paper in the Astronomical Journal (2013) Contents ==================================== The tarball contains all files necessary for a fully-functional verions of MOOG, including the MoogStokes extension. In addition to the MOOG-specific files, the MOOGStokes tarball also includes the following original MOOGStokes-specific files: CalcGeom.f CalcOpacities.f ComplexVoigt.f Curfit.f DELOQuad.f GridStokes.f Makefile.MoogStokesMac Makefile.MoogStokesMacsilent Makefile.MoogStokes64 Makefile.MoogStokes64silent Makefile.MoogStokes Makefile.MoogStokessilent MoogStokes.f MoogStokessilent.f SplineDriver.f Spline.f SynStokes.f Wavegrid.f The tarball also includes slightly modified versions of the following MOOG- specific files: Inlines.f Params.f Synth.f The differences between the original MOOG2013 files and the new versions can be found in differences.txt Dependencies ===================================== In addition to the X11 and Supermongo libraries, MoogStokes also relies upon the following linear algebra packages: ATLAS ( LAPACK ( Make sure you have these libraries installed on your system Installation Instructions ===================================== 1) untar the MOOGStokes.tar.gz in a suitable directory (e.g. /home/user/Codes/Moog/) 2) Modify the appropriate path and machine-type in MoogStokes.f or MoogStokessilent.f. For the original version of Moog, modify instead Moog.f or Moogsilent.f 3) Modify the Makefile according to your installation. Make sure you have the correct directories for the ATLAS and LAPACK libraries. 4) compile MoogStokes > make -f Makefile.MoogStokesXXX (where XXX is the appropiate make file) Alternatively, you can try to install MoogStokes via a python-based installer adapted from Andy Casey's MOOG installer. The python installer can be downloaded from Simply download and unzip the file, and follow the instructions in the README file. This will make the MoogStokes (or MoogStokessilent) executable. SynStokes.f ===================================== The SynStokes MOOG driver is modeled after the Synth driver. However, there are a few important differences between Synth and SynStokes. First, Synth saves its spectra in a data file specified by the 'smoothed_out' parameter. Because SynStokes calculates the Stokes vectors at multiple locations across the stellar disk, it is impractical to save all emergent Stokes vectors at all locations in a single file. Instead, SynStokes saves the output spectra in several files. The several files have a common base file name, which is specified in the parameter 'stokes_out'. SynStokes then appends endings to this base file name in the following manner: basename.angles basename.spectrum_I basename.spectrum_Q basename.spectrum_U basename.spectrum_V basename.continuum .angles ---------------- the .angles file contains geometrical information regarding each emergent spectrum. The format of the .angles file depends on the chosen disk-integration algorithm. If using the annular disk integration method of Valenti & Piskunov (diskflag == 1), then the .angles files consists of n lines (where n is the number of annuli into which the stellar disk is divided), each containing the following information: i, phi_angle(i), mu(i) i is the annulus index, phi_angle(i) is the longitudinal angle on the star of the ith annulus (measured so that the center of the stellar disk has a phi_angle of 0.0) mu(i) is the viewing angle of the ith annulus at the disk equator. (taken to be the cosine of the phi_angle) If instead, the diskflag parameter is set to 0, SynStokes divides the stellar surface into a number of regions (similar to Figure 5 in Piskunov & Kochukhov (2002)). In this case, the .angles files is formatted slightly differently. The first line contains 4 numbers: ncells, nrings, inclination, position_angle where ncells is the number of (approximately) equal area tiles into which the surface is divided. nrings is the number of latitude belts. inclination and position angle refer to the orientation of the stellar rotation axis on the sky, and are given in radians. the next ncell lines contain 9 columns each. The columns are defined as: Column | variable | description ---------------------------------------- 1 | i | tile index 2 | az | azimuthal angle of center of tile 3 | az_start | azimuthal angle of northern edge of tile 4 | az_stop | azimuthal angle of southern edge of tile 5 | long | Longitude of center of tile 6 | d_long | angular width of tile in longitude direction 7 | phi_ang | Phi angle of the center of the tile 8 | chi_ang | Chi angle of the center of the tile 9 | mu | viewing angle of the center of the tile. .spectrum_I(QUV) -------------------- The .spectrum files contain all the emergent spectra calculated by SynStokes. The .spectrum_I/Q/U/V file contains the emergent Stokes I/Q/U/V flux calculated at each location described in the .angles file. Each file is formatted so that there are ncells+1 columns, and the number of lines in each file depends upon the number of wavelength points in the spectrum. A typical line in a .spectrum file is formatted as such: lambda1 f_lambda1_pos1 f_lambda1_pos2 ... ... f_lambda1_pos_ncells lambda2 f_lambda2_pos1 f_lambda2_pos2 ... ... f_lambda2_pos_ncells ... ... lambdaN f_lambdaN_pos1 f_lambdaN_pos2 ... ... f_lambdaN_pos_ncells .continuum ------------------- The .continuum file is formatted in the same manner as the .spectrum_ files, but instead of emergent Stokes flux, contains the emergent continuum. The user can create a normalized spectrum by dividing the I, Q, U, and V spectra by the continuum. The post-processing python script "Diskoball" can read in the data products produced by SynStokes and perform the disk integration necessary to compare to observations. Diskoball can be obtained from the author, or from the github repository. Troubleshooting ===================================== 1) The linker is complaining about not being able to find super-mongo-specific procedures (i.e. "Specplot.f:313: undefined reference to `sm_limits_'") A) I have found this is a combination of the SM compilation and gfortran compiler. Try adding the -fsecond-underscore option to the compiler options (e.g.: FC = gfortran -Wall -g -std=legacy -fsecond-underscore) 2) More to come.... Changelog --------------------------------------------------------------- Updated: 26 June 2013 - C. Deen -- Initial release, ver 1.00