Variability and rotation of ultra cool dwarfs

Over the past few years monitoring programs have shown ultra cool dwarfs (UCDs) to be photometrically variable. Of the 60 sources monitored in the field and some 120 monitored in clusters, about 40% show variability in both cases.  For mid to late M dwarfs in young (<100 Myr) clusters, this variability is generally periodic with amplitudes of up to a few tenths of a magnitude and periods of between a few hours and several days.  For older field dwarfs (covering late M, L and T types) this variability is often nonperiodic with smaller amplitudes (up to 0.1 mag in I) and timescales of order hours. The former may be attributed to the rotational modulation of magnetically-induced photospheric spots, as seen in higher mass T Tauri stars. The nonperiodic variability, on the other hand, may be caused by a rapid evolution of surface features (which 'mask' the otherwise observable rotational modulation). This could be related to the formation and dissipation of inhomogeneities in dust clouds in the photospheres of UCDs.

Work over the past few years by several groups has shown strong evidence for low amplitude photometric variability in both field and cluster very low mass stars and brown dwarfs (collectively, ultra cool dwarfs, or UCDs).  An example light curve and power spectrum is shown below.
Light curve of an ultra cool dwarf
Figure: The differential light curve of a field L dwarf (bottom) and two (of many) reference stars (top two)

For the field UCDs, variability timescales are typically of order a few hours with amplitudes of between 0.01 and 0.08 mags in the I band. In several cases, the variability in UCDs has been found to be non-periodic.  This is curious, as in many cases the monitoring surveys would have been sensitive to expected UCD rotation periods We have interpreted this with a masking hypothesis: If surface evolve on a timescale shorter than the rotation period, these will obscure a regular modulation of the light curve.

There are at least two plausible candidates for causing the variability.  The first is cool, magnetically-induced spots.  This is an attractive explanation for cluster UCDs: as these are young, they may show activity with spots appearing in analogy to weak-lined T Tauri stars. However,  there are theoretical arguments against the presence of spots at these very low temperatures because of the neutrality of the photosphere and thus a weak coupling between the gas and any magnetic field. A second explanation is dust clouds. Dust is known to form at these low temperatures. Rapid rotation and convection could give rise to complex atmospheric dynamics, possibly accounting for the non-periodic variability seen in field L and T dwarfs. I have made initial attempts to predict and observe the spectroscopic signatures of different types of spot and cloud patterns, shown below.
Figure (above): Model DUSTY (red/thick) and COND (blue/thin) spectra from Allard et
al. (2001) for a UCD with Teff=1900 K.

Variability predictions
Figure: Predictions of the change in the spectrum of a UCD due to
the formation of a cloud or spot with a 10% filling fraction. The four lines  shown are for:  COND cloud on a DUSTY atmosphere (thick/red solid line) and 200 K cooler spot on a DUSTY atmosphere (thick/red dashed line); DUSTY cloud on a COND atmosphere (thin/blue solid line) and 200 K cooler spot on a COND atmosphere (thin/blue dashed line).

To test these predictions, I obtained time-resolved differential spectrophotometric observations of one field L1.5 dwarf. Spectra were obtained relative to a reference star observed simultaneously in the slit. There is no strong evidence for variability in any single band, but there is evidence for colour-correlated variability.  Adopting a dusty atmosphere with Teff=1900 K this limits coherent clear clouds to a coverage of no more than 10-15% and 200 K cooler spots to a 20% coverage.
Infrared spectra of a UCD
Figure: Near infrared spectra of the L1.5 dwarf 2M1145 (top), the reference
star observed in the same slit (middle) and their relative spectra (bottom) used to monitor for variability independent of changes in the Earth's atmosphere.  The red (solid) lines show the flux (left scale) and the blue (dashed) lines the SNR (right scale).

This work is discussed in a number of articles (from oldest to newest):

Coryn Bailer-Jones, calj at
Last modified: 21 November 2012