This catalogue contains results from further tests (40000 galaxies with Sersic index n=4) which were done for GALFIT. The format is the following: IMAGE STRING 'Bulge0001' simulated image SIM_NR INT 1 number in this simulation run GALFIT_FLAGS STRING 'fitted' flag for GALFIT, can be: 'constr' (ran into constraints during the fit) 'missed' (not detected at all by SExtractor) 'fitted' (was fitted succesfully without running into constraints) 'bombed' (the fit crashed) SEX_NR INT 466 object number in our SExtractor catalogue SIM_MAG FLOAT 25.5192 simulated magnitude SIM_RE FLOAT 4.01000 simulated re SIM_POSX FLOAT 5816.30 simulated position x SIM_POSY FLOAT 2473.40 simulated position y SIM_PA FLOAT 97.8400 simulated position angle (0 is north, counted counter-clockwise) SIM_AR FLOAT 0.725000 simulated axis ratio SIM_N FLOAT 4.00000 simulated sersic index (4 in this case) SEX_MAG FLOAT 25.9930 SExtractor MAG_BEST SEX_D_MAG FLOAT 0.0990000 SExtractor MAGERR_BEST SEX_RE FLOAT 3.40000 SExtractor FLUX_RADIUS SEX_POSX FLOAT 5815.98 SExtractor X_IMAGE SEX_POSY FLOAT 2473.93 SExtractor Y_IMAGE SEX_PA FLOAT 63.9000 SExtractor THETA_IMAGE SEX_AR FLOAT 0.812000 SExtractor ELLIPTICITY SEX_FLAGS INT 0 SExtractor FLAGS SEX_STAR FLOAT 0.0300000 SExtractor CLASS_STAR GALFIT_POSX STRING '30.1668 ' GALFIT position X (in respect to the postage stamp!) GALFIT_D_POSX STRING '0.1640 ' GALFIT uncertainty in position X GALFIT_POSY STRING '31.7354 ' GALFIT position Y (in respect to the postage stamp!) GALFIT_D_POSY STRING '0.2288 ' GALFIT uncertainty in position Y GALFIT_MAG STRING '25.8190' GALFIT magnitude GALFIT_D_MAG STRING '0.0516 ' GALFIT uncertainty in magnitude GALFIT_RE STRING '3.0338 ' GALFIT halflight-radius re GALFIT_D_RE STRING '0.3394 ' GALFIT uncertainty in re GALFIT_N STRING '0.2000' GALFIT sersic index n GALFIT_D_N STRING '0.3372 ' GALFIT uncertainty in n GALFIT_AR STRING '0.5001' GALFIT axis ratio AR GALFIT_D_AR STRING '0.0964 ' GALFIT uncertainty in AR GALFIT_PA STRING '-26.4185' GALFIT position angle GALFIT_D_PA STRING '8.9229 ' GALFIT uncertainty in PA GALFIT_CHI2NU STRING '0.35910540' GALFIT chi^2_nu from the fit GALFIT_NCOMP INT 1 GALFIT # of objects simultaneously fitted CLOSEST_COMP INT -99 GALFIT number of the closest object CLOSEST_DIST FLOAT -99.0000 GALFIT distance of closest object to primary object CLOSEST_MAG FLOAT -99.0000 GALFIT magnitude of closest object SKY FLOAT 18.6028 GALFIT sky determined by GALAPAGOS, used in GALFIT SKY_SIGMA FLOAT 0.0434600 GALFIT uncertainty of the sky POSTAGE_SIZE_X STRING '61 ' GALFIT size X of postage stamp used for GALFIT POSTAGE_SIZE_Y STRING '65 ' GALFIT size Y of postage stamp used for GALFIT