Dr. Christoph Mordasini

personal page:link

Research interests
Planet formation, Planetary population synthesis, Protoplanetary disks, Extrasolar planet observations, Radial velocity searches, Statistical properties of exoplanets, Planet disk interactions, Gas and planetesimal accretion, Super Computing, Computer clusters

working on...
Planetary population synthesis
Giant planet formation
Observation of extrasolar planets
Impacts into planetary atmospheres

short CV
1978:Born in Muri near Bern, Switzerland. School and secondary education in Muri and Bern.
2004:Master of Science in Physics, Supervisor W. Benz, University of Bern, subject: Planetesimal impacts into forming giant planets
2008:PhD degree, Supervisor W. Benz and S. Udry, subject: Planetary population synthesis
2008:Post-Doc at the MPIA
2009:Alexander von Humboldt fellow

Mordasini, C., Mayor, M., Udry, S., Lovis, C., Ségransan, D., Benz, W., Bertaux, J.-L., Bouchy, F., Lo Curto, G., Moutou, C., Naef, D., Pepe, F., Queloz, D., & Santos, N. C.; 2011; Astronomy and Astrophysics; The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets. XXIV. Companions to HD 85390, HD 90156, and HD 103197: a Neptune analog and two intermediate-mass planets

Alibert, Y., Mordasini, C., & Benz, W.; 2011; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Extrasolar planet population synthesis. III. Formation of planets around stars of different masses

Mordasini, C., Dittkrist, K. -M., Alibert, Y., Klahr, H., Benz, W., & Henning, T. 2011; ArXiv e-prints; Application of recent results on the orbital migration of low mass planets: convergence zones

Mordasini, C., Alibert, Y., & Benz, W. 2009, A&A, 501, 1139

Mordasini, C., Alibert, Y., Benz, W., & Naef, D. 2009, A&A, 501, 1161
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