Evolution of the massive protostar with the high accretion rate

Takashi Hosokawa
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

Some scenarios of the massive star formation suppose the high accretion rate, such as 10^-4 - 10^-3 M_sun/yr. We investigate the evolution of the massive protostar with these high accretion rates, solving the 4 stellar structure equations. Our calculations show that the evolution with the high accretion rate is fairly different from that with the low rate. The protostar remains fully radiative, and the evolution is similar to that of the primordial protostar. We show how the evolution depends on the accretion rate and metalicity, and explain what causes the difference. The validity of the previous one-zone model (e.g., McKee & Tan 03), and some implications for the formation and feedback processes of the massive stars are discussed.