Ossenkopf et al. (1992) paper's page
Ossenkopf V., Henning Th., Mathis J.S. (1992)
Constraints on cosmic silicates.
Astron. Astrophys., v. 261, pp. 567 - 578.
Optical constants:
Some details:
The optical constants of the O-deficient silicate
were derived from [Cabs(lambda)/V]
(Cabs and V are the cross-section and volume of grains)
derived from observational data using
Kramers-Kronig relation and some assumptions on the size and
shape distributions of grains.
In the region 2-7.5 micron unreliable results were replaced
by the values calculated for laboratory silicate
with admixtures of Fe and Fe3O4
using effective medium theories.
The optical constants of the O-rich silicate
were obtained in a similar but more complex way.
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Last modified: 11/10/98, V.I.