Henning & Mutschke (1997) paper's page
Henning Th. and Mutschke H. (1997)
Low-temperature infrared properties of cosmic dust analogues.
Astron. Astrophys., v. 327, pp. 743 - 754.
Optical constants:
Some details:
The pyroxene glass, the FeO and FeS samples were prepared
by melting in an arc furnace and subsequent quenching on a water-cooled
copper plate (see
Begemann et al. 1994;
Henning et al. 1995).
A natural hypersthene mineral (Paul's Island, Labrador, Canada)
was used to prepare the glass. The abundances determined by
energy-dispersive X-ray analysis were:
Mg 28.1%, Fe 17.3%, Al 1.1%, Ca 2.2%, Si 51.3%.
The crystalline bronzite sample (Paterlestein, Franken, Germany)
is polycrystalline with crystallite sizes of about 1 mm.
The amorphous SiO2 sample is a commercial quartz glass
window (Suprasil) which was cut into wedge shape.
The samples were kept at constant temperatures
(T= 10, 100, 200, and 300 K).
Reflectance was measured for the polished samples
in 2 - 500 micron region.
The refractive indices were obtained using
the Kramers-Kronig analysis with some extrapolations.
Transmittance was measured for the same spectral region for
powders embedded in KBr or polyethylene pellets.
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Last modified: 16/10/98, V.I.