The resolved properties of the molecular clouds in the inner and outer Galaxy

Dario Colombo

Thursday December 5th, 09:20

Modern high resolution, molecular gas surveys of the Galactic Plane are unveiling an astonishing picture of the three-dimensional gas organization of the Milky Way. This provides the opportunity to investigate the building blocks of the molecular medium, the Molecular Clouds (MCs), in an unprecedented level of detail. We will present a catalog of more than 90000 objects from the Structure, excitation, and dynamics of the inner Galactic interstellar medium (SEDIGISM) and CO(3-2) High-Resolution Survey (COHRS) data. The decomposition technique we use, SCIMES (Spectral Clustering for Interstellar Molecular Emission Segmentation), allows for a statistical analysis of integrated as well as resolved properties of the clouds. We will show how morphology, star formation efficiency, clump formation efficiency, and kinematics vary within those gas structures and with respect to the Galactic environments. Together, we will introduce a first glimpse of the new, APEX CO(2-1) high resolution survey of the outer Galaxy (OGHReS) and the properties of the clouds in this un-explored part of the Milky Way. These pioneer studies represent a step forward to a future, systematic cataloging of all discrete molecular gas features of our own Galaxy.

Background image: Robert Hurt, IPAC