From AstroWiki

Obs: UvCoverage

in IDL enter:

 uv_coverage, /baseline_labels, /baselines2plot, /meters, /over, source='SOURCE', /ps, /range, /one, /UTs

Example: uv_coverage, source='NGC1365', /UTs, /over, /meters, range=150


Specify the baselines and Hour Angles (HA) at which you want to observe your source in hapoints.txt. Remember: HA = LST - RA where LST is the Local Sidereal Time and RA the Right Ascension.

If you add a * in front of the hour angle that you specify in hapoints.txt the respective HA-point will be displayed as a filled diamond, as opposed to open diamonds for other points. This is useful if you want to point out e.g. which uv-points you have already observed, and which you propose to observe, e.g. to make the HA=-2 point on the UT3-UT4 track a filled diamond, write:

baselines         U1U2   U2U3   U1U3   U2U4   U3U4   U1U4
NGC1365      ;    -999   -999   -999   -999   *-2    -999

Before compiling and running you must change to the directory 'VERSION_1.1' (or appropriate) within the package directory.

Files in package:

Please contact the author Roy van Boekel if you want a copy of this IDL script.

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Page last modified on September 03, 2008, at 17:55 CET